Monday, May 18, 2015

....and I'm back!

I've been MIA from this little blog of mine for far too long. I mentioned this to another blogger and she responded that she would rather have quality content rather than just writing to fill space. I couldn't agree more. But, with that being said, I have a ton of stuff going on that I really should be writing about! So I'm going to keep this post short and sweet before I bite off more than I can chew. I'm going to list some of the things I will be better about blogging about (please hold me to this!) in the next couple of weeks! Hopefully that will help me get back into a groove. I've been good about posting recipes but those are so easy peasy so I don't want to count those. Okay here goes:

-the beginnings and adjustments of being a newly married wife after not living together all the time before being married
-the excitement and hesitation of a new job
-summer plans/vacations
-the SEVEN weddings we have this year
-the life of being a spouse to someone who is one of the hardest workers ever
-my favorite and least favorite things about the current seasons in MD

Okay so if I do one a week from next week on I will at least have SOMETHING to post about until the first week in July. Holy is it already almost June??

I just went to the farmers market after work today and got 9 perennials, a ton of tomatoes & peaches, bananas, an avocado, jalapenos, and asparagus! So pumped about this! I can't wait to make some fresh salsa later this week. Ooh I'll add that to my list of posts for a new recipe!

xo, Mrs. Slem


  1. Hey! I've been there done that! You want to put quality material out that people read. I totally get that. Just remember you started this blog for you. Put content on there that makes you, you! I've got some posts that might get me five readers, then I have some posts that get me 40 some readers. It only matters that you right about what your interested in, because you will get burnt out when its not your authentic material. Good Luck! Sounds like you have a super busy summer to right about!

  2. Welcome back - I'm pretty sure you're going to be a BUSY girl this summer... so hope you'll share some of that with us.. but really, focus on being a newlywed. ;) We'll still be here!

  3. Welcome back! In the past I've gone from posting all the time to being burnt out and not blogging at all, to now having a pretty good routine of 2 recipes a week which works for me, but sometimes I still need a break. I think it's all about working for you! I used to feel bad if I neglected my blog, now I feel like everyone needs a break sometimes and it's OK because quality is definitely better than quantity!

    1. Thank Annie! I'll have to check out your recipes!!

  4. Welcome back! I've been known to take a blog hiatus (or four!) Sometimes, life just gets in the way... but in a good way! Blogging will always be here for you to return to. Can't wait to read about your summer: and you MUST post about this fresh salsa you'll be making... I wish we had a local farmer's market nearby! There's one about 20 minutes from here... but the selection is poor.

    1. I've made the salsa 2x now and keep forgetting to take pictures! I will post soon :) we have a ton of farmers markets around us. It's so nice to have fresh veggies and fruit! We've started our own veggies this summer, maybe you can have your own farmers market!

  5. Woah, you have one busy life there girlie! It's nice to meet you. Looking forward to the salsa recipe and reviews!

    1. So so busy!! But with lots of blessings so I can't complain! I'll be sure to post the salsa recipe soon!!

  6. Welcome back! I love farmers markets. They're my favorite. I love fresh produce.

    1. Aren't they great!! We love buying local and supporting the little farms!

  7. Welcome back! Sounds like you have been busy and have lots going on for the next couple of months. I always find that it is better to go with quality over quantity. I look forward to hearing about all of those topics you mentioned. :) Looks like a sweet haul you got from the farmers market too.

    1. Great to hear from you! I'm happy to get back in the groove!


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